Monday 11 April 2011

Recipe for romance

I can't decide on what to call him. He, with the deep brown eyes, pinkish lips and perfect touch. Sweet, sensitive, and smart. Waiting to seduce me with glasses. The curious and charming accent. The latent humility. And he makes me climax rather effortlessly, and talk rather openly. Gorgeous, snuggly and warm. Memories of last night are making me smile.

How we met is not important, and I've been advised several times to be more mysterious. So there you go. He's a man, I'm a woman, and the chemistry was evident right away. People who passionately love sex, in my opinion, do it better. We're two such people. Chemistry is a weird thing. It swells our bits into a frenzy and makes our hearts soft. It creates first solace and then anxious longing. It's too bitter to have all the time, and sweet enough to make the bitter bearable. I want to be careful with words like chemistry, love, passion. Words are dangerous and subjective and often mis-understood/communicated. Do you think you can love someone for just a night or two? Or is that just the chemistry going to my still-softened heart?

It went down something like this:

1 (heaping) part chemistry
2 parts passionate sexual beings
2 parts mutual respect
1 part open communication
2 parts swollen bits
4 parts sensitive nipple play
1,000 parts kissing
1,000 parts touching
5,000 parts oral copulation
1,000 parts stimulating conversation
1,000,000 parts laughter
OPTIONAL: 1 continental divide

Preheat oven to 0˚ (you'll be making your own heat). Mix all ingredients well, adjusting according to taste. It is very important to NOT substitute the the chemistry for other ingredients. Sprinkle with some charm, wit, dorky nicknames and party favors and ENJOY for 6-18 hours (or more!).

He inspired all of this, and I still can't think of a name to give him. So let's go with... Neffew